Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hello internet!

I have returned from another long-ish break! Partly because I had no internet access and partly because I  was always too tired to write at night (or lazy, you can choose an excuse). 

Anyways I am back and writing and random side note - it looks like I may be writing for a long time as I have officially been accepted into second-year journalism at Carleton! It looks like I may be able to have a career doing the thing I love... fingers crossed. The only thorn in my side is that my bestest friend at Carleton, Laura N (shoutout to her blog) will probably not get in as Carleton is stupid and will soon  regret sending home one who is sure to be one of the most prominent female broadcasters in Canadian television. She is going into Communications however and that will be just as good and guarantee her more money but still... 

BACK TO THE ROAD TRIP: Leaving Merrit, after a lovely night in a hotel "just like the Holiday Inn" we hit the road and set our sights on Langley. We continued to drive through the mountains and the sights were so beautiful and lovely (a word that I found myself saying an awful lot lately). We got to listen to my iPod (finally) and it was great to sit in the back and just jam out! 

We went to Langley to visit Laura and my friend from journalism at Carleton, Gerrit. We let him know when we were in hope and after deciphering our way through the maze that is Langley we made it. Gerrit had to come out and show us the way on his skateboard. But it was really nice to see him and I got to talk to him more than I usually do. We arrived at his house, which is can I say, gorgeous and humungous! His backyard alone was a sight to behold, even with their own stairs down to the river. Their dog, the same breed as Mr. Barrack Obama's, was one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met, and really seemed to take a fancy to me. 

After the house tour and the very non-traditional and casual meet and greet with the parents, it was time to travel into the future and experience what it would be like to be a stay-at-home-mom with four kids and a thousand things to do. I honestly, finally, can understand the stickers that say "Mom's taxi" or something like that because I honestly felt like a shuttle bus except without getting paid. The funny thing was that it actually didn't scare me. 

I guess since my twentieth birthday is soon approaching my brain aka my subconscious is preparing me for motherhood (that word still scares me though). Ever since I was little I always said that I would never get married let alone have children. But slowly, very slowly, there have been minut changes to that central personal philosophy. It starting with my liking of romantic movies, then becoming a shipper - I think my first and favourite ship was Ron and Hermione (from Harry Potter, my favourite books of all time) - although thinking about now it may have been in the Lioness Quartet series by Tamora Pierce (excellent books) or in I Dream of Jeannie... 

Then it moved on to TV, as I got sick in grade eight I started to watch television (since there was really nothing else to do except read but that was more difficult to concentrate on due to pain) - actually good television, I became devoted to couples (in the making) and certain couples became/still are my only reason for watching. Alias was the first. I started watching it either before or after I got my tonsils out and as soon as I started I was addicted. I think Dayna came over for the first ever disk - it was the one when Sydney was in the blue rubber dress - and we watched it because I couldn't do anything else - she was so sweet, always came over when she could and even though she didn't like TV that much she would always watch it with me. Great memories there - Dayna is such a great friend to me and was one of the ones that stuck by me when I was sick! 

Back to the original segway, I don't know when it started, I think in grade 12 at Bishop Carroll, I (this is hard for me to admit) but I started a baby name list! Its terrible. AND I even have thoughts about weddings and gasp getting married (outdoor and with a man straight out of the pages of Jane Austen). And then today I was thinking that I could even get past going through labour - one of my original concerns - because the little miracle of joy would be worth the endless hours of body-wrenching, mortifying pain and experiences - hopefully. And even if I got a deformed baby that would be in God's plan. 

Akkk those thoughts are knot-in-stomach-inducing but are kind of exciting and a huge step for me. BUT are VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY far off and I put them in God's hands.

Back in Langley: after disposing of Gerrit's siblings we sent off for White Rock a gorgeous beach just outside of Langley and to our trepidation Gerrit's friend Aaron joined us for our excursion, which turned out great, Laura was pleased But we had to clear out Kevin to make room for the boys and sitting in the back with two boys and a long board was certainly an experience. We learnt very quickly why males do not have the best reputation for being tour guides as they are terrible at giving directions. Anyways we arrived there and back without injury and had a great time. Walked down the beach, a long walk, and discovered where the township got its name - a huge white rock.... with ugly writings on it by randoms over the years - and get this its not even a white rock - its painted white! Lies! It was a beautiful spot though and we walked onto a dock and put our feet in the Pacific ocean for the first and only time on this trip. Aaron and Gerrit walked ahead most of the time, they led us to White Spot which is the happenin' place to be on the West Coast, just in case you didn't know (I didn't at the time). We got some great eats after watching Aaron fail to get beer even though he is not of age.

We finally made it back to Gerrit's late and read some stories in the living room. They all had a virtue/moral at the end and then we all went to bed with visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads - just kidding folks! 

Seeing how long this post is so far I am going to take a break for the moment, eat me some lasagna and garlic, watch some Glee and finish this later tonight mayhaps! 

Good night and good luck, internet world!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Greetings from beautiful British Columbia!

We have made it safely through the Rocky Mountains. I miss them already! As we were driving (I was in the crammed back the whole time - for some reason it made me hungry), I was trying to figure how in my entire life I can live in the mountains. Salmon Arm, as I discovered today, would be particularly perfect! I was thinking if journalism was the right career path for me or how I could manage living there and my budding writing career.

I also came up with a book idea today while staring out the window. Its nothing special but possibly a summer project for me. More on summer plans later. Also seniors volunteering with them is also in the plan.

So today, sadly we left Banff, checked out of Irwin's Mountain Inn and packed Kevin. We are getting pretty pro at packing - its amazing what we fit in that Honda Fit - almost everything surprisingly - enough stuff for three girls to survive with for two weeks to a month in fact.

By the way I am watching Modern Family while writing this - what a fantastic show. So sorry if this becomes disjointed.

Anyways, we drove and drove and drove through the mountains. There was lots of construction on the road today and Laura and Celina being Laura and Celina from Ontario honked and gave all the workers a friendly wave. I joined in and laughed it reminded me of when we rode the bus home from elementary school. We would sit in the very back seats, where the windows were, and would wave at the people driving behind us and the ones that would wave back were sweet and the ones that were rude (giving the finger and etc.) were salty. Good times. Come to think of it I used to do that in Junior High as well, I would go on a pedestrian bridge over Crowchild Trail and wave - I loved getting the trucker honks.

We got some trucker honks today (and yesterday) in performing a Laura and Celina cross-Canada tradition, which is parking Kevin on the side of the highway, blasting some 'happening tunes and dancing around the car (doors open). For some songs there is a routine, at first I would try and copy their moves (which are coordinated to a Jo Bro song) but now I just do my own thing, I don't think that I am as into it as they are, but its still fun. Also, most of their dancing songs are ones that I don't know so that doesn't help. Hopefully tomorrow we can listen to some of my music (I made an amazing playlist in some of my spare time) and maybe I can sit in the front. I really don't mind the back, its a great place for brainstorming.

Today, I got to go through the highway tunnels, my old friends from childhood. I just love the darkness and coming out the other side. We always used to yell "DUCK" and duck down the whole time we were in them.

Anyways, after finally finding a city and motel in Canada's Country Music Capital we settled. Made some excellent Slopply Joes on our finally working stove and went for a drive with Laura.

Sorry for the quick ending but all the lights are turning out, its late and therefore its time for bed.

Good night and good luck.

(I really need an excellent sign off phrase instead of stealing from my hero Eddie boy, any suggestions?)

More to come from this adventure!

Happy reading! And night night from Merrit!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Finally! After a very long break I have returned to the blogosphere!

I apologize for my long absence so to give penance and to show my remorse I am going to attempt to put up new posts more regularly.

So here goes!

I am in Banff right now. Sitting in a lovely room with my dear friend Laura from Carleton and new friend Celina. How did I get here you may ask WELL have I got an answer for you!

I finally got back from Carleton about a week or so ago... after driving from Ottawa to Fredericton to Moncton to Halifax and back to Fredericton my father and I finally left for home heading through the U S of A! Making it home in 4 days (from Halifax to Calgary). Full details on that trip to come in a later post at an early hour.

So after being home for a while, seeing some of my old Calgarian friends and hanging out with the family my friend Laura from Barrie, ON (a place my matriarcal side has some roots apparently) came with Celina, her friend from church. They were headed on a road trip.  Destination: British Colombia. Being the lovely folks they are, they came to Calgary yesterday to pick me up. I gave them a brief tour of Calgary, mainly the places near Lakeview. After a quick breakfast in the morning they made some room for me in the already fit to burst car (a sexy black Honda Fit, by the name of Kevin) and we hit the road.

As Laura and Celina are not prairie girls they were keen to leave the flat lands behind and head toward the mountains. And as they never fail to do - the mountains did not disappoint! They always will be the epitome of beauty in nature and nothing can compare. So picturesque and awe-inspiring. The mountain peaked gilded with snow, sometimes masked behind mist, always different yet unchanging - these are the Rocky Mountains - there are no words that can properly describe.

We spent the day in Banff doing the touristy things - we stopped in all the little shops, got coffee, took lots of photos, bought souvenirs, went to Hot Springs, got lost, saw the Banff Springs Hotel, etc. Good times.

It was a most enjoyable day. In my travels so far with my two new companions I realize that I have a lot to learn to fit in. Including learning the dances to Burning Up (danced on the side of a road) and a cheesy Christian song, I also have to learn the meaning behind some inside jokes and get used to their ways! But no complaints here - I am a very happy third wheel rolling towards Victoria and the rest of BC (beware folks, I may use some bad puns!).

Anyways, from what I have seen here Banff is lovely as are the people. Which includes a rather large number of Australians and and amazing banjo players! I would recommend to anyone coming here just for the experience - which is like none other.

Thats all for now! So from the Irving Inn (I think) in Banff, Alberta, Canada - good night and good luck.

More to come from this adventure!

Happy reading!